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free telegram chat widget for website.


Increase the followers of your channel using Telegram widget

Improve user experience by allowing users to contact you via the A2Z Telegram chat widget for assistance or additional information not immediately available on your website. This widget will allow your website visitors to connect with you through just a few clicks. It will also allow you to engage with your customers when free.

Telegram Chat on the Website

Provide personalised customer experience through Telegram widget

Use a simple code generated by the A2Z tool and embed the Telegram Public Channel or Group Feed anywhere on your website. Users of Telegram can quickly contact you and carry on a conversation with you even after leaving your website with the help of a Telegram widget. Contrary to this, website chat requires users to stay on the page to send and receive messages. A Telegram widget offers another option to gather leads. So don't ignore the chance of giving your website visitors an opportunity to discuss your product or services via Telegram.
