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Image to base64

Convert Image to Base64

Image to Base64 Converter Online helps to convert Image to Base64 String. The desired output is Base64 string and HTML code. Furthermore, to improve the performance, the image to base64 converter tool helps. Also, base64 strings as images are used in emails. Nowadays, all the latest browsers support to display of base64 string as an image.

How to convert ?

  • Our tool helps you convert an image to a Base64 group easily.
  • mage formats such as PNG, JPEG, GIF, etc., are supported.
  • While converting Image to Base64, it generates HTML code for IMG with Base64 as src (data source).
  • Upload the image file, and it automatically converts Image to Base64 (Data Source and HTML code)

How does it works?

The image to base64 converter uses the base64 algorithm to produce the base64 string from the uploaded image using JavaScript. However, it does not send the uploaded image to the server to convert or generate code.